The Secret: A Novel

The Secret: A Novel

Category: Novels, Other Publication
Publisher: Darpan - An Imprint of Prism Books Pvt. Ltd
ISBN: 9789388478854
Page(s): 225
Weight: 0.00 g
Availability: Out Of Stock

Book Description

"All the piececs of the puzzle were now intract. no need to gucss anithing else , amma's secret she kept for all these years were right here in her own wordsa and handwritting for me to see "

Joseph knew that him amma's past held a secret  she had not shared  with him . She was different from other women whon came to the convent for succour. We go with joseph on his journey to the place whre his mother grew up and share Amma's mental journey to the past

A fascianating journey through the right syrian catholic traditions of kerala . a southern state of indai in the late 1800s

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